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Bullying : A letter of advice

Posted on December 19 2017, 17:48pm

Categories: #Spotlight on English Tunisia

Bullying : A letter of advice

A pupil suffers from bullying. She wrote in the school magazine about her problem .Write a reply to her and give her advice on how to solve this problem.

Here are some hints to help you:

-talk to an adult that can help; like a teacher, a parent..

-stay close to pupils who can help you

-avoid confrontation with the bully

- stay in places where you feel safe


Fill in the blanks with the missing words from the list.

depressed – confrontations – damaging  - back – hearing - awareness – useful -

Dear Melanie,

Bullying is a major problem in many schools and communities. It can leave you feeling anxious, …………………………lonely, worthless and scared - but it doesn't have to be like this. Here are some …………………tips to get rid of bullying.

First, you shouldn’t suffer in silence. Tell your mum, your dad or any grown-up you trust.  Adults, can and must help you with whatever you're going through. Keeping it to yourself will only be more ………………………in the long run. Second, You are less likely to be picked on if you walk and sit with ……………………………, calm, respect, and confidence. You should never be afraid of them. Besides, the best self-defense tactic is called “target denial,” which means “don’t be there.”You must avoid ………………………. with the bullies. In fact, using physical self-defense should be the last resort because you could get in trouble or get hurt if you fight …………………. against people involved in bullying.  Moreover, If I were you I would rather stay close to pupils who can help me in case I need any support.

I hope my advice is of some help to you. I am looking forward to ………………………….. from you. Let me know how things turn out and remember to think positively.



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