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A new year a new look

Posted on January 1 2018, 08:19am

Categories: #fine day

A festive season is around celebrating a new year yet to come. The air is filled with strong desire for a fresh new positive start. Many people are busy working on their dreams and resolutions. Lovely selfies and pictures pop up on social media sites with a focus on their new hair cuts or colours, make up styles and even a whole new look. Why at this time of the year?

While people still love their old logos, they feel the New Year start is the best time to have that little change to freshen themselves and get better with a good start. They will be working on weight loss or gain, stopping smoking, getting healthier lifestyle, and even starting their new projects just to ensure they will be better.  

All this is so positive. However, if you think bigger and deeper, you may be better easily. It all depends on distinguishing what is more important to you and highlighting it.

All you ought to do is just give more value to what is central and essential to you:  Here are some tips:

Choose to knit closer and stronger family relationships.  Remember your family members are the people you can resort to when in trouble and rely on when you need help.

Find joy and create fun crazy times where you can enjoy a full-bellied laugh that makes tears run down your cheeks over silly situations. Joy is so powerful against stress hitting us in big dozez these days.  

Be present in all meaningful occasions to celebrate pure love and care. Be proud to be a member and never forget to be tolerant and let go all  little mistakes.

On the other hand, friends are important in your life too, so don’t block youself with negative people around. Have vibrant relationships to fill your life with hope and positivity.

Take actions around. Remember you are a member of a large community, so create positive change by taking part in all possible plans taken in your community. Planting trees, taking part in cleaning campaigns and joining green groups are quite easy actions to take, but every action counts.

So to be better, give your home and family a new look by strengthening relationships and spending more time with them. Give your community a good look by engaging in donations and volnteering.

Be willing to stand by your convictions and put your words into action. Shine light on what you can do and you will shine better.

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